This format has a more direct lineage with the IBM PC. PC Paint, one of the earliest drawing programs on the IBM PC. Today’s Tedium discusses 10 image formats that time forgot. The JPEG format is awesome and culture-defining, but this is Tedium, and I am of course more interested in the no-name formats of the world. The average person has no idea what JBIG, the compression standard most fax machines use, is-but they’ve most assuredly heard about JPEG, which was first publicly released in 1992.

They took two divergent paths, but they came from the same place: The world of compression standards. The other would basically reshape just about everything else, becoming the de facto way that high-quality images and low-quality memes alike are shared on the internet and in professional settings. One technical standard reshaped the way that people used an important piece of office equipment at the time: the fax machine. Today in Tedium: Around this time 30 years ago, two separate working groups were putting the finishing touches on technical standards that would come to reshape the way people observed the world.